Friday, March 21, 2008

and the winner is......

Hey everybody! For the past several months we have been in the process of obtaining a residency position in internal medicine. The months of applications and interviews came to a long awaited conclusion yesterday with "match day". This is the day when all 4th year medical students across the country find out where they have "matched" for residency training. It has been a long complicated and expensive process but it has been worth the effort. We are very happy with the results and will be spending at least the next three years in....
Salt Lake City, Utah at the University of Utah

We are very excited to be coming home and to be close to family and friends. Our time in Chicago has been a wonderful experience and we will miss this amazing city, but as the story goes "there is no place like home."


Nick Scott Family said...

Congrats guys! Now we will be able to see you guys more often. We're glad you're coming back 'home.'

jenichild said...

We're so excited that you guys are going to be around! Hopefully we'll decide to stick it out for another year before we up and move. Congratulations!

M. ETHINGTON said...