Monday, June 9, 2008

Matt & Hilary - Up close and Personal

Matt and Hilary recently packed their bags and made the big move to Marriedville, USA. Here's a quick video of our two love birds. For some reason the audio was cutting out on the DVD at the reception - sorry 'bout that!

It was great to see almost everyone at the festivities. Let's do it again real soon. Big congrats to Matt and Hilary.


Nick Scott Family said...

You say, "let's do it again real soon" in your post..... the only way we'd be doing it again real soon would be if you, Craig, Joe Salisbury or Steve Gray pulled your heads out and decided to move to Marryiedville, USA!

Ben & Megan said...

I like the video. Craig, (if you read this), you are on deck!

jenichild said...

Okay, I think that was the funniest wedding video I've ever seen. Way to go Bryce- or way to go Matt & Hillary. I guess way to go everybody. You guys are awesome!

Julie Ethington said...

Good classic humor. Loved it!